The Swiss White Shepherd: A Family Dog in a World of Shepherds

The Swiss White Shepherd is a huge, intelligent dog breed with a white coat that originated in Switzerland. Similar to some popular dogs in Spain, the Swiss White Shepherd is a famous breed in Switzerland. 

They are known for being family-friendly and have been used as working dogs for centuries. The Swiss White Shepherd’s name comes from its country of origin - they were bred to be shepherds in the mountains of Switzerland where there was snow all year round.

The dogs had to be adaptable due to the large variations in temperature and able to protect herds of sheep from predators.

The Swiss White Shepherd was bred using two different types of a shepherd, one that worked with cattle (the Maremma Sheepdog) and one that worked with small flocks (the Entlebucher Mountain Dog). At first, breeders used these shepherds together but eventually decided it would be easier if they created their own dog. Five litters were born between 1889-1892, which is how we now have this specific type of white Shepherd today! They are classified as a national treasure in Switzerland - this means anyone who wants or tries to sell them must pay taxes on them like for any other luxury good.

The White Swiss Shepherd is a handsome, powerful, and elegant dog. It’s called the Berger Blanc Suisse. In 2011, FCI recognized the breed.

White Swiss Shepherds and German Shepherds share a common ancestry. Swiss Shepherds are protective and intelligent like German Shepards, but they are calmer and less aggressive than German Shepards. They also don’t work in the police or military. Their coat color is different from that of a German Shepherd: Swiss shepherds only have white fur while the German Shepherd has black and brown hair.

Characteristics of the Swiss White Shepherd

History of the Swiss White Shepherd

It is impossible to talk about these dogs without mentioning the German Shepherds. They are both young, and they come from the same place.

German Shepherding dogs were found in Germany and were very different depending on the region. A dog named Von Stephanitz wanted to create a new working dog breed, and he tried organizing breeding clubs that were dedicated to making this new working dog breed.

All herding and shepherding dogs were called “German Shepherd” in the German area even though they were different. Von Stephanitz sorted them out and decided what to take care of when breeding.

Von Stephanitz had many connections in the military. He used these connections to get his dogs enlisted. The most popular breed for law enforcement is German Shepherds because Von Stephanitz was so successful with the dogs he bred.

White German Shepherds are not allowed under their standard. The breeders started to make the dogs milder than the original German Shepherds. But many breeds became extinct after World War II. White Swiss Shepherd was one of them.

Animals were sent overseas to survive. Breeders in the United States welcomed them with open arms. This breed of dog was molded mainly by American, Canadian, and Swiss breeders. Dogs became popular across North America and Canada. They started to regain popularity in Europe after the smoke cleared from battlefields there.

Different breeds of dogs are popular in other parts of the world. One breed is called Berger Blanc Suisse. They are as popular as German dogs and can be found across the globe. They are used most often for therapy or assistance dogs that help people with daily routines or challenging times in their life.

The White Swiss Shepherd is a medium-sized dog breed that is robust and powerful. They have upright ears and a two-layer coat, which may be medium-length or somewhat longer. Their long hair somehow resembles coat of a Pomeranian. Their body is elongated, much like their German counterpart, and they have numerous traits in common.

Despite being quite popular in the United States, the WSS is yet unregistered and recognized by the American Kennel Club as an independent breed. It’s a relatively “new” dog breed that was standardized and established about a century ago, and it’s now registered with most of the world’s major cynology organizations in just a few decades.

The Swiss dog is a member of the FCI, so it is natural for this breed to be fully recognized and registered by the FCI.

The domestic cynology association is in charge of creating a standard for their country. The FCI allowed the Swiss cynology association to create a standard.

FCI standard

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale, or simply FCI, is a global cynological organization made up of national cynology associations from all over the world. It is the governing cynology association for all of its members and handles a variety of dog-related issues.

The Swiss White Shepherd is recognized by the FCI. It is in Group 1, Section 1. It was created to be a herding dog, and not only does it herd sheep but also protects them too. The FCI does not require this breed to go through the working trial test.

This breed of dog is strong and well-muscled. The standard tells how big the size should be for males and females, but it does not say how much they weigh. Males are 23-26 in (58-66 cm) long, while the females are 21-24 in (53-61 cm).

They were registered by the FCI on July 4th, 2011.

Grooming and Taking Care of the Swiss White Shepherd

If you’re thinking about getting a White Swiss Shepherd dog, you should buy a vacuum and brush. The coat on this dog is white and sheds sometimes. Its natural color is white and not to be mistaken with double merle dogs.  You should brush the coat at least three times per week to make it shiny and free of tangles. This is the same practice as taking care of an Australian Shepherd

Brushing your fur helps it stay healthy and clean. The White Swiss Shepherd is a breed that can live in the cold because of its long coat. There is also a short-haired type of this dog that lives in warm climates. But despite having a short hair variant, you must know how to keep your dog cool during summer

The White Shepherd’s teeth should be brushed at least 2-3 times a week. This will help keep their breath fresh and prevent bacteria from building up in their mouth. It is more accessible with a dog toothbrush, but if you don’t have one, you can use your toothbrush or a wet cloth with your toothpaste on it. NEVER use human products for your dog because they might contain chemicals that are bad for them. Herding dogs such as the Greyhound, Shepherd, and Border Collie requires extra care since they are more active in the field. 

You should clip your dog’s nails when they get too long. Also, you should clean their ears to prevent ear infections.

Temperament and Personality

A White Swiss Shepherd Dog is an excellent dog for you. It goes well with children and people in general. The dog is kind of like a German Shepherd, but it is not as strong as the German Shepherd. But it can still protect us from danger if someone tries to hurt us!

Berger Blanc Suisse is a very energetic dog. They need mental stimulation and physical exercise every day. They love to swim, run, hike; almost any activity will make them happy. Before you get your Swiss Shepherd, make sure that you have enough free time and energy because if you do not spend their energy correctly, they might become destructive like most other dogs.

White Swiss Shepherd is great with children.

These dogs love their family and will be really protective of them. This includes children. They will be very patient with the children, and they are big, so you need to watch them play so that they don’t knock over your child. You need to constantly supervise dogs when they’re around children, no matter what kind of dog it is.

White Swiss Shepherd towards other dogs

These dogs are not good at making friends with other dogs. They prefer to spend time with their family instead.

Dogs can live with other pets, primarily if they were raised together. They have a natural instinct to protect their family.

The intelligence of the Swiss White Shepherd

The White Swiss Shepherd Dog is brilliant and wants to learn. It will want to do anything for its owner. The best way to train these dogs is when they are loyal and have respect for their owner because there isn’t much that the dog wouldn’t do for them. These dogs are very close with their owners.

If you get a Berger Blanc Suisse, your dog will follow you everywhere. They know their owner’s feelings and emotions, and they don’t like being alone. Sometimes they can suffer from separation anxiety.

Training Your Swiss White Shepherd

White Swiss Shepherds learn fast and will listen to you if they like you. But the downside of these dogs is that they pick up bad habits as fast as good ones. When training, it is essential to teach them at a young age how to be observant and slightly aloof with new people.

After you get your new dog, wait until they are old enough to go to the vet. Get them vaccinated. They will be less sick if they do not contact other dogs or puppies before they get their shots. Then start socializing them by taking them places and letting people pet them.

Berger Blanc Suisse dogs are susceptible to how they are treated. The environment they grow up in will shape their character. They respond well to positive reinforcement and treats. It’s important to praise them for good habits because these dogs can quickly become spoiled if you do not tell them about what they did right.

Common Health Issues

This breed is prone to some medical problems - Hip and elbow dysplasia, joint issues, cruciate ligament rupture, allergies (just like Sheltie skin allergies), epilepsy, hemophilia (a disorder of the clotting cascade), bloat, etc.

Breeders of Swiss White Shepherds

White Swiss Shepherds are costly dogs. A purebred White Swiss Shepherd puppy might cost up to 1300 dollars. But they’re prone to some severe health problems. The most effective way to reduce your dog’s risk of getting these diseases is by breeding responsibly.

When you buy a puppy, you should be able to ask the breeder all your questions. If possible, make sure to see the puppy’s mother that you are interested in. Look at her and her other puppies. Make sure everything is okay with them.

Do the following to make your White Swiss Shepherd healthy and happy:

  1. Spend a lot of time with it.
  2. Give it plenty of exercises.
  3. Groom its coat regularly.
  4. Feed it quality food that meets all its nutritional needs.

For more information about the Swiss White Shepherd, click here

Frequently Asked Questions about the Swiss White Shepherd

Are white Swiss shepherds aggressive?

White Shepherd dogs are not usually aggressive. They might be timid or skittish instead. They need to be around people and other animals early on so they can get used to them.

What is the difference between a Swiss Shepherd a White German Shepherd?

The dog breeds are different. The German Shepherd is tan and black, but the Swiss Shepherd is all white or all black. They are also classified differently. The Swiss Shepherd is only recognized by the FCI, not the AKC or American Kennel Club.

Are white Swiss shepherds good dogs?

The White Swiss Shepherd has a protective streak. They can be lively and friendly dogs when they are adequately trained and socialized from a young age. To keep them happy, make sure they have mental and physical stimulation.

Do white Swiss shepherds bark a lot?

Swiss Shepherds are very vocal. They will whine, growl, and bark when they have different feelings. They will do this when they are playing with someone or getting excited about something.

Are Swiss shepherds good family dogs?

This dog is suitable for people who need a companion dog. They are easy to handle and like people. Take care of their beautiful coat by brushing it once or twice a week.

Are white shepherds hypoallergenic?

The White Shepherd is not hypoallergenic. It will shed. When the White Shepherd sheds, it can be messy. You should only bathe your dog when you need to, usually at the beginning of the heavy shedding season, to help loosen up their coat. Bathe them with a mild shampoo that is specially made for white dogs.

Do Swiss Shepherds shed a lot?

Shedding is a problem for all dogs, even the most well-bred ones. All full-grown animals have a double coat and shed year-round. A once-a-week brushing is sufficient most of the time, but shepherds “blow” their coats in the fall and spring, and they will require more care throughout these seasons.

Are Swiss shepherds smart?

The White Swiss Shepherd Dog is brilliant, and it can learn a lot of things. But the dog only learns from the person who owns it. That person must be more powerful than the dog.

Will my Swiss Shepherd protect me?

The dogs are large and make noise when someone new comes near. They will protect you. This is unlike German Shepherds, who are bred for protection and are more aggressive. If you want a guard dog, this might not be the best breed for you.

Are Swiss shepherds easy to train?

White Swiss Shepherds are pretty much the same as German Shepherds. They are smart, can understand things well, and are easy to train. They also get along with people better than German Shepherds do.

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